Waves roll like under fives in a hundred yard dash
Thundering over murky brown water
Sun on smiling faces, cheeks puffed out
Eyes bright with excitement and laughter
White school shirts, frolicking, buttons undone
Billow and flapping in the wind
Energy bursts from fragile lungs
Rolling high, dipping low, arms and legs entwined
Determined bodies, mingle no knowing
Where one starts nor where another ends
At the rear, one lumbers, way behind the rest
Struggling to build up speed and descend
Lunging forward, hoping to finish
Never mind the placing
Tripping over, laughter and shrieks
Foaming bubbles, airy white froth in the making
Whisked high, dispersing above
Finish line in sight. The leader falls
Higher, faster, chuckles of delight
The chance to win improves for all
Crashing across the line, exhausted they scatter
Resting on the damp coarse sand below
Looking back, the heaving sea welcomes another class
The race begins again ever a constant flow